AI Starting here

I have this original idea (to me) to challenge or at least a push-back the popular Artificial Intelligence /AI, now sweeping the world in it's array of self promotion / marketing hype, reporting and general media extravaganza. 

The idea is to simply reassign the term, AI away from this notion of Artificial Intelligence toward just one of myriad examples of human intelligence. 

Being a life long artist, I know, experience and practice what I call Artistic Intelligence every day

Through this inurgrual post and all future posts, I'll elaborate, celebrate and share my and other's artistic intelligence experiences right here @ourarttisticintelligence 

I have some dope and attractive ideas about this subject and can't wait to will also develop additional platforms to 

 It's a phenomenon shared by countless people everywhere. 

Under this banner I'd like to challenge and remind everyone, we still have great opportunities to promote a more holistically, human focused narratives toward the varied concepts of 'intelligence', rather than just accept the current cavalier hijacking of the use of the word intelligence added to the popular technological, robotic and somehow non-human extrapolations of the journey of human kind.

The intention here is not to rescind Artificial AI but rather that by re-elevating the human artistic utility and practice to its preeminent status, long-determined as an arm of the human condition and evolution.

Perhaps the real debate here, is about the Artificial AI industry and media's distorted misuse the word 'intelligence' that misleadingly assumes the mantle of their own loosely interpretative, denotative meaning of the very word.

In the light and hope of a return to common sense and by advocating the more long-term and down to earth existence of Artistic Intelligence, I'm calling-out the current obsession with Artificial AI which can be seen more rationally as a passing, albeit perhaps serious to some - fad which will inevitably by superseded by some other upgraded version and application of computer and technological engineering.

The Artificial AI industry's application of the word 'intelligence' should be seen more as a branding slogan more assigned to the marketplace to market and promote the 'next new thang' .

Many may prefer intelligence as artificial but prefer natural, human intelligence over the the slogan computer intelligence. Some may even see it their destination and duty to aid the implementation and promotion of artificial over real intelligence.

I say nah. get your own word to describe robotic advancement and leave the natural world alone.

Jeffree Skewes

visual artist, writer, art educator